Thursday Thoughts #11

Thursday Thoughts

To tell you the truth, I’m a little sad to be posting a Thursday Thoughts today. I should be posting with #BundtBakers! The theme this month is Girl Scout Cookies.

My mother-in-law brought us some Girl Scout Cookies when she was here in February so I decided to use the Trefoil as inspiration. The Trefoil is a shortbread cookie – simple, buttery, and perfect with coffee. In looking at the ingredients, the recipe includes buttermilk. I decided to make a buttermilk cake with a coffee glaze and garnish it with some of the Trefoils.

I actually took a risk and decided to break up some of the cookies and put them in the batter. They don’t hold their crunch though, so it’s not a step worth repeating.

I made a very novice mistake – you’d think I’d know by now – after a year of baking bundts! I didn’t let my bundt cool completely and it did not release from the mold. It split right in half! (See the photo on Instagram) If that were all I could have “faked” it together with frosting. Unfortunately the top half broke apart in many pieces, half of it falling on the floor. The floor that I had just vacuumed and mopped! The floor that my son was also crawling on – I’m pretty sure he snuck his first bite of cake before I could pick it all up.

I decided I would turn the cake into a trifle. Layer cookies, cake, strawberries, and a coffee whipped mascarpone cream. Well, I’m sorry to say that that never happened.

Between my husband being very busy at work and the gym, my little man constantly on the move and getting into trouble, our internet being out for an entire weekend (I decided to clean the house instead of bake), and my the little man getting a little cold I simply haven’t had the time! And now it’s #BundtBakers reveal day and I still have a container of cake crumbs on my counter.

I am so behind on everything that tomorrow’s CIC dish still hasn’t been made! Good thing it stays light out really late now…. Even our St. Patrick’s Day dinner didn’t happen until Wednesday.

But hey, just because I didn’t post a bundt today doesn’t mean you can’t check out the fantastic selection of Girl Scout Cookie inspired cakes from the rest of the group.

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