Honey Honey Layer Cake

As I continued to make quilt blocks for my Old Glory Fourth of July quilt I traded out a few blocks for others that I felt worked better with the personality of the quilt. This particular block I found on Pinterest. You can see a whole quilt made with this block here, it’s stunning!

Honey Honey Layer Cake Quilt Block

Here is the how-to for the Honey Honey Layer Cake Quilt Block:

Note: These measurements are for an 8″ block. Sew using a scant 1/4″ seam allowance. 

Cut fabric:

  • 8 squares 2 3/4″ red
  • 8 squares 2 3/4″ white
  • 4 squares 2 1/8″ red
  • 4 squares 2 1/8″ white

Use the 8 squares of 2 3/4″ red and white to create 16 Half Square Triangles (HSTs) trimmed down to 2 1/8″. Click here for my tutorial on how to make Half Square Triangles.

Lay out HSTs and solid blocks into the Honey Honey Layer Cake quilt block: Honey Honey Layer Cake Quilt Block Tutorial

Assemble each row of five:

Honey Honey Layer Cake Quilt Block Tutorial

Attach the five rows together:

Honey Honey Layer Cake Quilt Block Tutorial